WE - The process

The purpose of the project working environment activities is to allow for safe and efficient operations where the working environment is safe and sound. All project disciplines are crucial to obtain this, but its essential that the working environment discipline establish, promote and facilitate the required process.


In projects it is the WE discipline that are responsible for working environment requirements as given by NORSOK S-002 and S-005. Based on these standards one shall plan, organise and perform activities. The standards list many activities that should be performed but does not provide an efficient process that can be followed. As such its up to the responsible engineer to establish a good and efficient process for the project.


Our discipline is always challenged and asked, do we need to perform all activities? Are they required?


The clue here is to understand the various activities and how they are related. Some activities may not be required but it must be documented why. A well thought out process will ensure relevant activities are performed at right time and in right order so that the project receive design input when needed.

To ensure a sound working environment, the various analyses should complement each other so that they cover both hazard and accident situations and exposure to working environment factors. 


Skipstad HMS has long experience in developing WE management systems and apply good processes to facilitate all NORSOK activities. Below we have schematically illustrated the NORSOK WE requirements, provided a flow chart showing how activities can be organised and finally we have provided our preferred approach for analysing, verifying and validating.


You should be aware that our approach will work in any project. The project may not be similar in complexity or size but the process can be applied anyway. The difference would be the amount of work involved.


This is a simple and easy approach and it has been documented to work. That said, we are not stuck with one process. At start of each project we will define the context, develop the WE management system and ensure the most optimal and efficient process is applied.


Your requirement should be:

The process shall be efficient and provide results.

Norsok S-002

Various activities are required performed as per NORSOK S-002 (Rev. 4). The overall responsibility lies with the Operator and a WE program shall be developed to document the activities that will be performed for the project.

We have illustrated the activities listed by NORSOK S-002 and provided an overview to show the interface and responsibility between operator, contractor and sub contractor.


A systematic approach

It is important that we apply a systematic approach and organise activities so these are performed in the right sequence. We have illustrated how the various activities required by Norsok S-002 and S-005 are linked and the order in which they should be performed.  

Analysing, verification and validation  

The 4 step approach

We need to understand the various working environment and human factors challenges for the concept in order to design optimal solutions. This means everyone involved from operations, electrical, architect, mechanics, structural etc.  must have a common understanding for functions and tasks which they shall design for.

The best way to get everyone onboard and ensure continuous focus throughout the project is the 4 step approach. Applying this approach for each phase will ensure high focus and control of all WE factors from concept phase to operations. Its an iterative process and a systematic approach where design is continuously analysed and verified against company and regulatory requirements. 

Do it right and follow this approach from project kick off means you will be in charge, keep control of all working environment factors and implement good design solutions with no added cost.

The best part; there will be no surprises at the end of project and no costly changes!